Monday 8 January 2018

Choose A Company Certified Host

Many companies with the option of taking advantage of hosting Quicken have heard of the advent of the Cloud, and the benefits companies have garnered by using offsite computing resources. Often companies consider the Cloud because they have no IT department of their own. They may want to avoid purchasing and maintaining a computer to use for their enterprise level applications. However, they often end up finding that they still need some IT expertise if they choose a general hosting provider. This is the time when the business owner should consider contracting Quicken hosting with a hosting provider that specializes in Quicken Support Number

Before the cloud, hosting providers found that companies were willing to pay for offsite resources. These companies wanted these resources because they had a temporary need, or had such a large need that they did not want to distract themselves with maintaining a large repository of computer resources. Some of the earliest uses were shared hosts for websites. Others provided render farms to provide the parallel computing required by digital animation companies. Still others needed memory farms to provide for high-capacity data storage and backup. However, these resources still required the expertise to use them by the client company. The hosting companies provided and maintained computing resources, not the expertise to use them.

The Cloud was somewhat different. Rather than provide specialized computing resources for specialized purposes, it provided general computing and memory resources that could be used and then reallocated to any general type of application. The interface for these applications was also specialized, so that an IT professional could become proficient designing a Cloud interface, and then reuse his knowledge again and again for any future application.

Some of these Cloud hosting companies discovered the importance of providing that expertise for perhaps smaller companies that had no IT department whatsoever, and could not provide their own cloud interface. Often this expertise came in the form of recommended third-party consultants who could do the work.

At the present time, the demand for particular applications has become so great that it pays for a hosting company to specialize in particular applications. One of these is Intuit Quicken. This makes the effort to setup an offsite installation of Quicken almost nonexistent for the client company. They need no IT resources at the client site. The contract begins by transferring the client data to the hosting site, then continuing on from that point. The client data is maintained and backed up by the hosting company, and the client accesses its Quicken data through a browser interface on the web.

The client can have complete confidence in the company hosting Quicken because they are certified by Intuit to do so. This means that the Quicken hosting is not only done by experts operating offsite computing resources, but also experts in running Quicken itself. This means that any problem concerning Quicken or the processing of Quicken data never becomes a question for Intuit, but remains the bailiwick of the hosting company.

If you want a complete solution for hosting Quicken, consider a certified company for your contract. Use the company offering Quicken hosting to take care of any problems of the offsite hardware, your client data, or Quicken itself.

Book- maintaining errors, one of the standards for many contemporary start- ups to near down, becomes redundant when using this method after Quantity up coaching, as does selecting wrong techniques of accounting, human error in calculation .so Choose the Quicken Support Number

QuickBooks & Accounts Payable - How to Fix Negative Balances in A/P

Occassionally, a negative balance arises in Accounts Payable (A/P), and business owners who take care of their own books don't understand how the problem happened or what to do about it. Here's the scoop:QuickBooks Support Number

A negative balance in A/P can sometimes mean that bills were entered, and checks were written against those bills, but the original bills somehow got deleted or voided. The bill-payment checks are left "hanging" in the system, creating a negative balance in A/P.

If you notice a negative balance in A/P, or even if you have certain vendors who show a negative balance in the Vendor list, go to the Reports menu and select Vendors & Payables. Then select the Unpaid Bills Detail report. Scan through the report and look for negative amounts. If you see any, double click on them.

After double clicking, a bill-payment check should open. Look at the lower half of the screen. Possibly, there will be no bill located here, no amount at all, nothing to indicate that this check was applied to a bill. If so, leave this window open, and go to the Vendors menu. Select Enter Bills. Enter a bill to the vendor you just saw on the last screen. Be sure to use the same amount you saw on the check. You will need to guess as to the correct due date - better yet, try to locate the original bill so you can get correct information off it. After entering it, click Save & New to leave the window open if you have more bills to enter, or Save & Close to close the window if you are finished.

After entering the bill, go back to the bill-payment check. Look at the lower half of the screen - the bill should be there. If it is, place a checkmark next to it, and enter the correct amount (the amount on the check) in the far right column. Click Save and Close. QuickBooks will ask if you are sure you want to save the transaction - click Yes.

Go to the Unpaid Bills Detail report and click Refresh. The bill-payment check, which caused the negative amount on this report, should now be gone. Follow these steps for all negative amounts you see on this report.

Important: notice that you did not repay the re-entered bills - you did not use the Pay Bills function. The original bill-payment checks were in the system, and we simply applied those checks to the re-entered bills. If you accidentally repay the re-entered bills, this will not solve the problem of having a negative balance in A/P.

If you see negative amounts that DO have bills applied against them, that is an issue beyond the scope of this article.

Jennifer A. Thieme is a Certified QuickBooks ProAdvisor who loves to help people with QuickBooks. She brings unique insight, clear instructions, and over ten years of experience to all of her QuickBooks articles. Owner of Solid Rock Accounting Services, Jennifer's clients enjoy these same benefits on a personal and regular basis. You can too - visit

Nancy Smyth is a Qualified QuickBooks ProAdvisor and Intuit Gold Designer specializing in providing QuickBooks clients an effective simple efficient way of complying with Federal and State Prevailing Wage Laws create certified pay-roll views from QuickBooks details. For more details regarding Qualified Pay-roll Solution-QuickBooks Support Number

Batch Report for Bills Being Paid

I have heard from several clients that they would like to print a list of the bills being paid before the checks are cut (or just cut). What you can currently do in Sage is run you through your AP Aging Report or your Unpaid Bills report so you know what's outstanding. But many times, the business owner would like to actually see what bills are being paid before the checks are cut or have a report showing what bills were just paid. Unfortunately Sage does not have a built-in report to do this. (As an aside, you can send a request to Intuit that they work on this by clicking on Help and Send Feedback. They do listen to this feedback so the more people they hear from the higher up the list that request goes). But back to the topic at hand.Sage Customer Support Phone Number 

Here's a workaround solution; not ideal, but will probably work for most of you.

• Click on Reports>Custom Transaction Detail.

• Set the date to Today. If you do more than one batch, this is where this workaround falls short. But for many of you this will be all that you need.

• In the list of columns below, I would recommend that you put checkmark by Entered/ last modified space if you do more than one batch.

• You can Total By either Vendor or simply leave it at Total Only.

• I would sort by Vendor (if you have not totaled by vendor)

• On the Filters tab, I would select your checking account for the Account instead of all accounts.

• For Transaction Type select Bill Payment

For printed status ( you'll need to scroll down to find this) select To be printed. (If this report is for after the bills were paid, then you would select Printed.)

You can customize this report further to change what columns you see.

If you will want this frequently, that I would memorize the report. If you want to give this report a name other than Custom Transaction Detail than I would click on Modify Report then Header/Footer and that change the report name.

One other comment with memorizing reports, I suggest you use that date from the drop-down list rather than manually keying in the date that you want to use. This way the report will move forward with you. Otherwise you will always have to go in and change that date.

I'd love to hear how this works for you!

Muir & Associates helps businesses use their Intuit products more efficiently and more effectively so businesses can focus on their business and make more informed decisions. We provide sales and support services. Monica Mitchell Muir has been helping businesses with their Sage products since 1996.

Sage Customer Support Phone Number If you desire to develop Sage distant availability or hosting, you may also wish to get Sage Help, and you will find out Qualified Sage advisors that could set up availability and also help to get your guides to be able.

Sunday 7 January 2018

5 Good Reasons for Acquiring Practical Training in Accountancy

Accountancy is the backbone of any business concern, without proper accounting infrastructure and without proper training in accountancy. you would always be at sea regarding how to control the massive transactions taking place at multiple venues, various departments, and different accounting procedures in a going business concern.
The undeniable importance of adopting the right accounting policies and implementing the associated procedures brings us to the point of acquiring specialized training in Accountancy such as Sage software Training, Sage software training, advance Excel training and so on.

Here are a few good reasons for acquiring practical training in accountancy.

1- Diversity in Software Applications

Since the varied nature of businesses requires implementation of different accounting software for affectively giving out the desired results, care has to be taken for choosing the right software from the very inception. That is true especially if you do not want to go through the hassles of a complete system change midterm or midyear.

For instance take the example of Sage software, this single software comes in so many diverse and with varied extensions (Book Keeping, Payroll, and Inventory) that only if you have complete understanding what type of software would work, where you would be in a position to implement the right one.

2- Diverse Business Nature

A general perception about all accounting professionals are that they ought to know all there is to know about accountancy along with all the tools and handlers. This is where the importance of practical experience comes in. Since different businesses prefer to use different software, applications either due to the nature of their particular business or their personal preferences, a professional accountant has to have ample know how of all the major accounting systems that are currently being used in the market.

3- Theoretical vs. Practical Training in Accountancy

Putting theory to practice in real life situation is a completely new ball game. The hypothetical theoretical situations require an ideal requirement of the other thing remaining the same however, in the real life situations is not like that. With the involvement of the human factor many things change, in addition there are always loopholes that need plugged in every accounting infrastructure.

4- Onboard Training

Today's software applications require users to have adequate user acquaintance with the systems installed for them to play as a productive and non-hindering component of the accounting cycle. If at any point, the flow of information or the input data required starts breaking up you could never expect to get the optimized results that are required by the management because of the accounting system installed.

5- Ever Evolving Situations

Owing to the various influencing forces that change over time, accordingly the accounting structure, policies and procedures are constantly subject to some change or the other. What these changes demand is the capability of all concerned to rapidly adapt to the changes without upsetting the main accounting infrastructure. That is most probably the reason why practical training in accountancy has its importance to cater for such real life evolutionary changes.

If you realize the implications of practical training in accountancy or are interested in exploring the benefits of Sage Software Training is your one stop solution to all your accountancy-learning needs.

Sage Support Phone Number Get finishes power over your organization and gets the results with minimal of input. Automatic synchronization of the details between retail shop and the actual difference lets your organization offer more and can make faster reaction to your prospective clients.

Quicken For Tool Hire Businesses Part One

Once you have been using Quicken for a while you will wonder why it is so affordable.  With all of its features and capabilities it is really an excellent package.  The reason why it is so affordable is because there are over 4 million businesses using it.  I am not 100 percent sure if that should be 4 million users or 4 million businesses.  Either way it is still an extremely popular package.Quicken support number


To use it for a tool hire/rental business the way I am doing, I must warn you upfront that there are 2 procedures that it cannot do.

While issuing a new contract/booking it cannot check to see that an item is booked out on another contract/booking.  This is not a problem for us now.  Once your business grows and you have more than one branch then I think this could become a problem unless they have created a solution for this.
When Items are returned you must complete the contract as normal by entering the return date.  What it does not do is calculate the number of days(or time) out.  This you must do manually.  This is actually good for our business as it reduces the risk of the program making a mistake as they often do.  I have seen on the previous system that sometimes it counted weekends, holidays and sometimes not.  For small businesses like us this is not a problem and I personally prefer it and feel I have more control.  With the last system we had to manually count the number of days out in any case just to check the system was doing it correctly.  Nine times out of ten it was wrong.
For these 2 minor issues it is definitely more affordable to use Quicken than a package supposedly designed purely for the tool hire industry that you are charged the earth for.

The way I customized it for our tool hire / rental business is really very simple.  It is just a matter of customizing the invoice, estimates, orders and sales receipts templates.  Firstly the estimates templates I made 3 templates - "Contract", "Quote"  and "Pro-Forma" templates.  The invoice, orders and sales receipts templates I merely customized with our logo etc.


The following procedures are a brief outlines of how to set it up for tool hire / rental business and normal retail business as well.  I will elaborate on each in forthcoming articles.


I started by downloading the Simple Start edition (to test and ensure we could run our tool hire business with it) and then progressed on to 2008 Pro.  As you install it prompts you through setting up your company / business, making the install very simple.  Like I said in the first article the installation and setup is very easy.


Most of the accounts you will use are already set up in the installation.  All I added were two more accounts - you will see later how it all fits together.  These accounts were:

The hire income account - all items on hire will reflect in this account
The re-hire income account - all items re-hired from another company reflect in this account
There might be more that you need to add but you can do this if and when the need arises.

If you are converting from a previous system you can upload your Items for hire and sale via excel.  I did this and it was really simple.  By the way the same can be done for accounts as well.  The trick here is that when you add your items - make your rental items "Service" items and sale items "Stock" items.
Customers & Suppliers

Once again if you are converting, both customers and suppliers can be imported quite easily.  I managed to import them after our month end with all their existing balances.  Otherwise you just add customers and suppliers.

Finally Reports

This is the best of all as all the reports you need are there already.  All you have to do is customize them.  For example I customized the estimates report to show all current contracts out.  This merely picks up all "active" "estimates".  When the items are returned all you do is create the invoice from the estimate(contract), go back to the estimate(contract) and uncheck the "active" indicator.

Well that's brief but really that is all there is to it.  You do not even have to run a month end like most of other systems make you.  I will go through each procedure in more detail in the following articles. 

Book- maintaining errors, one of the standards for many contemporary start- ups to near down, becomes redundant when using this method after Quantity up coaching, as does selecting wrong techniques of accounting, human error in calculation .so Choose the Quicken support number.
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How to Handle Customer Retention Or Retainage in QuickBooks

Some customers for certain types of construction projects require you to hold back a certain percent of your total invoice or of each invoice (invoicing only for only a portion of the contract price) until you've completed the project satisfactorily. After the job is complete and it's agreed that you can collect the remaining percentage, you then create an invoice to the customer for the balance.

The procedure described here for handling retainage in QuickBooks will not only help you track who owes your for retention, but also track how much they owe. In addition, it helps to track the retention on your books as an asset until the customer pays the balance:

1.            Set up a new account called Retainage Receivable-go to Lists > Chart of Accounts, click the Account button and select New. Select Other Current Asset for the account type.

2.            Set up a new item called Retainage-go to Lists > Item List, click on the Item button and select New. Select Other Charge as the item type. Enter Retainage for the description, a negative for the Amount (for instance, -10% if your retainage is 10%), and the Retainage Receivable account you just setup for the Account.

3.            Create an invoice for the total % completed-creating an estimate first can really automate this step because you have the option of invoicing a percentage of the estimate amount. Then add a line for the retainage. This will deduct retainage from the total invoice leaving the balance actually due from the customer. If your retainage varies, you can override the % on the invoice. Make sure your customers know that your invoice total already has the retainage deducted, many customers simply deduct a percentage from the invoices they receive when making a payment.

4.            Memorize a Retainage Receivable report. Go to Reports > Customers & Receivables > Customer Balance Detail. Click on Modify Report, select the Filters tab, select Account and choose the Retainage Receivable account. Click the Memorize button and call the report Retainage Receivable. If you only want to see the unbilled retainage, periodically reconcile the Retainage Receivable account (Banking > Reconcile) and click on all the retainage that's been billed-they'll have offsetting amounts in both columns. Then add another filter to your memorized report to filter out cleared transactions by selecting Cleared for the filter and clicking No.

5.            Once the job is completed, go to your Retainage Receivable report to see what's still owed. Then create an invoice using the Retainage item and change the amount to the amount still owed.

Ruth Perryman, MBA, CMA, CFE, CFM is a Certified Advanced QuickBooks ProAdvisor and an Intuit Solutions Provider. She specializes in customizing QuickBooks Enterprise and POS. She can be reached at +1 888 307 3506

So, select how essential distant availability, who needs it, what functions you need in QuickBooks, and your budget - that will go a long way towards helping you pick a skilled option for you QuickBooks Customer Support Phone Number
Click here:

Common QuickBooks (Bookkeeping) Mistakes to Avoid

I'm a QuickBooks Consultant and I specialize in fixing bookkeeping messes and then I maintain the books for my clients. Here are some mistakes I've seen clients make:QuickBooks Support Number

Not reconciling their bank statements - this error has left clients with overdrawn accounts because they thought they had more money in their bank account than they really did. At about $35 per bad check or overdraft fee, this can add up quite quickly, not to mention you can mess up your credit rating. If all your checks and debit charges aren't added to your bookkeeping system in a timely manner, you won't know what your balance is. If you have duplicate deposits, your account balance will be overstated. By reconciling your bank statements every month, you will catch errors or omissions you have made. In a rare instance, you might catch errors the bank has made.

When using the bill payment feature of QuickBooks, make sure to pay the correct vendor. Double check who you are paying. By paying the wrong vendor, you will screw up you accounts payables balances and get in hot water with the vendor you didn't pay.

If you use a bill payment feature, assuming your accounts payable balances are correct, don't pay vendors with a regular check. If you do this as opposed to using a bill payment check, your payment won't get applied to the vendor balance. This will result in the vendor payable balance being larger than it really is and you will eventually overpay the vendor in the future.

If your vendor accounts payable balance is different than they say it is, reconcile the account against the vendor's invoices or latest statement. If your vendor accounts payable balance is larger than they say it is and you keep making bill payments, you will eventually overpay your vendor.

Undeposited Funds - If you invoice your customers/clients, you will have accounts receivables balances. As you process customer receipts, the money received will show up in an account called Undeposited Funds. When it's time to process your deposits, make sure to check off which payments are to be applied in the Undeposited Funds account. This will keep your Undeposited Funds balance accurate.

Debit charges - Although debit cards are used like credit cards, don't set up debit charges as a separate credit card account. They are part of your checking account.

Entering personal credit card accounts in QuickBooks - This shouldn't be done especially if you have a corporation. You can't co-mingle your funds. Furthermore, the credit card balance will show up on your balance sheet, which would effect your net equity

If you have a QuickBooks or bookkeeping mess that needs to be cleaned up, visit my website at

Method also provides three different fee structures based on if you want concurrent clients, named clients, or have clients who need only a few minutes a day or month; this indicates you can tailor the fee to suit your needs. I haven't seen this with other applications out there. QuickBooks Support Number so you can see how it will widely-used to your needs. Check it out!